Listen to me talking about my work and artistic journey on "Curing My Stage Fright"!


"A New Eden (Utopia)" from Waterland by Harrison Lewis and Matthew Millin performed at Vertigo Theatre Company's Night of New Music

A scene from Thinner than Water by Melissa Ross; performed with Sunnie Eraso Northwestern University Senior Showcase 2023

A monologue from Richard II by William Shakespeare Northwestern University Senior Showcase 2023

"All For Us" by Labrinth; performed with Freedom Gobel Purple Haze A Capella

"From Fire" by Perta Purple Haze A Capella - Sapphire

a cut from "Fields of Green" from Waterland by Harrison Lewis and Matthew Millin performed with Sami DeVries; Northwestern University Senior Showcase 2023

a monologue from The Seagull by Anton Chekhov; adaptation by Anya Reiss

"That's What I Could Do" from Violet by Jeanine Tesori and Brian Crawley performed with Adelina Marinello; Wirtz Center 2022