"A New Eden (Utopia)" from Waterland by Harrison Lewis and Matthew Millin performed at Vertigo Theatre Company's Night of New Music
A scene from Thinner than Water by Melissa Ross; performed with Sunnie Eraso Northwestern University Senior Showcase 2023
A monologue from Richard II by William Shakespeare Northwestern University Senior Showcase 2023
"All For Us" by Labrinth; performed with Freedom Gobel Purple Haze A Capella
"From Fire" by Perta Purple Haze A Capella - Sapphire
a cut from "Fields of Green" from Waterland by Harrison Lewis and Matthew Millin performed with Sami DeVries; Northwestern University Senior Showcase 2023
a monologue from The Seagull by Anton Chekhov; adaptation by Anya Reiss
"That's What I Could Do" from Violet by Jeanine Tesori and Brian Crawley performed with Adelina Marinello; Wirtz Center 2022